Translink Corporate Finance has advised Techno Dive with their acquisition of the ROV/Diving department of Samba Marin


March 4, 2021

Translink Corporate Finance has advised Techno Dive with their acquisition of the ROV/Diving department of Samba Marin

Samba Marin and Techno Dive have entered into a long-term cooperation agreement whereby each company will concentrate their business around their core competence. For Samba Marin this involves vessel operation services, for Techno Dive this involves ROV and diving services.

Samba Marin AS is a Norwegian company offering services towards aquaculture, offshore and construction along the cost of Norway.

Techno Dive is a modern dive/ROV company assisting in a wide array of underwater operations including aquaculture and construction.

Translink Corporate Finance acted as exclusive M&A advisor to shareholder Techno Dive on this transaction.

Contact our Team Members advising in this transaction:

Translink Corporate Finance Norway/ Synergos AS is located in Oslo, Norway. It is composed of 5 seasoned finance and M&A professionals who have in-depth experience in a variety of sectors and disciplines.


