The holding of Jannuzzelli family sells the historical brand Moto Morini to a Chinese group with the assistance of Translink


October 3, 2018

The holding of Jannuzzelli family sells the historical brand Moto Morini to a Chinese group with the assistance of Translink

On October the 2nd, the sale of Moto Morini to the Chinese Group Zonghneng Motor Vehicle Group has been done. The negotiations for the sale of the historic Italian motorcycle brand, from the 2015 owned by AUTJANN, holding company of the Jannuzzelli family, were conducted by the Advisors Translink Corporate Finance (for the financial matters) and Studio BCM (for the legal aspects). The two teams led by Matteo Paggi – Partner of Translink – and the Lawyer Giorgio Murnik, in close contact with the President of AUTJANN and Moto Morini – Mr. Ruggeromassimo Jannuzzelli – completed the deal after a complex negotiation.

The Chinese buyer group CHINA ZHONGNENG VEHICLE GROUP CO., LTD was assisted by the Chinese law firm Hansheng of Shanghay and, in the final phase, also by the Italian structure of EY.

The long negotiations have been completed with a first draft agreement signed in August 2018 and finalized yesterday, allowing the Milanese entrepreneurs, who notoriously buy companies in difficulty in order to relaunch and sell them, to put a new success.

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