Translink advises Pisla in acquiring 100% of Demerx


December 24, 2017

Translink advises Pisla in acquiring 100% of Demerx

Translink Corporate Finance announces the acquisition of the bathroom interior product company Demerx AB by Pisla Group Oy. Demerx designs, sells and markets bathroom products and bathroom furniture to hardware, DIY and plumbing-stores.

Under the new ownership Demerx will continue to operate as an individual company. Demerx will be a platform for Pisla’s expansion in the Swedish market, with its current employees, at its current premises in Kisa, near the city of Linköping.

Since 1976 Pisla Ltd has been operating as a supplier of hardware and furnishing products in Viitasaari. Today Pisla is part of the well-established Pisla Group with an annual turnover of approximately EUR 31 million. Currently Pisla Group employs 250 professionals. The main office and production are located in Viitasaari, Finland. They also have subsidiaries in Russia, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia as well as sales representatives in Sweden, Estonia and Latvia.

Contact our Team Members advising in this transaction:

Translink Corporate Finance Finland, based in Helsinki, is one of the leading M&A boutiques in the Finnish market. Since its foundation more than 15 years ago, their partners completed more than 100 M&A transactions in different industries, worked closely together with a number of business partners and industry players, both locally and internationally. In addition Translink Finland is a Certified Adviser on NASDAQ OMX First North.



Chairman Translink International

Managing Partner Translink Finland


