Translink Advises Ticket To Heaven On The Sale Of The Company To KFG


January 10, 2015

Translink advises Ticket to Heaven on the sale of the company to KFG

Translink Corporate Finance announces the sale of Ticket to Heaven A/S, Denmark to Kids Fashion Group GmbH, Germany by selling 100% of its shares. Translink acted as the exclusive financial adviser to Ticket to Heaven A/S.

The involved companies are both in the industry of kids’ fashion. The acquiring company KFG GmbH owns a range of kids fashion brands such as Marc O’Polo Junior, Belly Button, Miss Sixty, Lemmi, Döll, Kanz, Murphy & Nye etc.

Contact our Team Members advising in this transaction:

Translink Corporate Finance Denmark / Schrøder Translink, based in Copenhagen, is one of the leading M&A advisors in the Danish M&A market (SME segment). The 3 senior partners combined have participated in more than 200 transactions, many of which have been cross-boundary transactions. Before entering the M&A industry, all three partners have gained solid management experience, and in combination they possess deep industry insights across a number of industries.



Managing Partner

Translink Corporate Finance GmbH & Co. KG with its offices in Frankfurt and Bremen covers Translink’s business in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It is composed of seasoned finance and M&A professionals who have in-depth experience in a variety of sectors and disciplines.



Managing Partner Translink Germany